The Trial Centre of the State Sientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives is accredited in accordance with the requirements:
- ДСТУ ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of organoleptic, physicochemical, electrophoretic, mycological, immunoenzymatic, spectrometric, radiological, chromatographic, microbiological, molecular genetic tests for the determination of GMO food products of plant and animal origin, drinking water, antibiotics, feed, premixes, feed additives, drugs for veterinary medicine, mineral raw materials; haematological, biochemical tests of blood and blood serum; histological tests of organs and tissues (Accreditation Certificate of 20. 01.2024 р. № 20461);
- ДСТУ EN ISO/IEC 17043:2017, as a Provider of verification of the professional level of laboratories for testing: premixes for amino acid content and honey for residual amounts of antimicrobial agents and their metabolites (Accreditation Certificate No. 50007 dated 24 November 2021)
Taras Romanovych
Head of the Trial Centre,
Candidate of agriculture Sciences.
Tel. +380 (32) 252-19-69
Deputy Head of the Trial Centre, Head of Quality,
Candidate of agriculture Sciences.
Tel. (067) 675-83-14
Deputy Director on Scientific Support of the Testing Quality System,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
Tel. +380 (32) 252-31-52