Oleksandra Tchaikovska
Head of Sector,
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Tel: +38 (032) 231-63-76
Sector staff:
Tchaikovska Oleksandra Illivna, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences – Head of the sector
Temnenko Sofiia Mykolayvna, PhD in Economics – Senior Researcher
Stebnytskyi Viacheslav Mykolayovych – Leading Engineer
Ivaniv Maria Ivanivna – Senior Researcher
Key objectives of the sector:
- Support, preparation and holding of scientific conferences, seminars, forums, etc;
- Preparation of articles for publication and issue of the Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives and the Institute of Animal Biology, which is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine in the field of veterinary and agricultural sciences;
- Execution and maintenance of contracts with domestic and foreign counterparties for state registration, re-registration, amendments to registration documentation for veterinary drugs and biocides;
- Providing advisory assistance to domestic and foreign manufacturers, owners, distributors of veterinary drugs, biocides and feed additives on the procedure for their state registration, re-registration, and amendments to registration documentation;
- Organisation of development and examination of technical regulations, national and international standards, terms of reference for terminology, production, control methods, testing, transportation, storage of medicines (chemotherapeutic, biological, disinfectants, antiseptics), food of animal origin, feed and feed additives for productive and non-productive animals, veterinary services for the purpose of standardisation and harmonisation with the WTO and EU requirements;
- Preparation of notifications and comments to Ukraine’s trading partners in accordance with the requirements of the World Trade Organisation Agreements under the procedure of the national information centre ISONET WTO;
- Cooperation with standardisation bodies, enterprises (organisations) – users of standards, consumer associations, testing centres, conformity assessment bodies and other stakeholders;
- Creation and maintenance of collections of normative documents, scientific and technical literature, regulatory legal acts;
- Performing the functions of the secretariat of Technical Committee 132 “Animal Protection Products, Feeds and Feed Additives”, reviewing, conducting expert examination, preparing feedback on draft documents submitted to the Institute and TC;
- Organisation of publishing and distribution of information materials and documents related to the activities of the Institute in print and electronic media;
- Information support of the Institute’s subdivisions with scientific, technical, economic and other literature, as well as bibliographic materials on domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology;
- Completion of the library fund in accordance with the Institute’s profile with thematic plans of book publishers and catalogues of periodicals;
- Development, layout and printing of scientific and methodological literature and other printing products.