Head of the Laboratory – Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Tел. +380 (32) 252-92-07
Е-mail: wolodjak@gmail.com
The main areas of scientific research of the laboratory are:
- determination of acute toxicity;
- determination of subacute toxicity;
- detection of cumulative properties;
- determination of side effects;
- study of chronic toxicity;
- detection of long-term effects;
- study of mutagenic properties of drugs;
- study of embryotoxicity of drugs;
- study of acute and subacute toxicity of veterinary drugs, feed and feed additives in farm animals;
- alternative methods of toxicological studies using infusoria, guppy fish, bees, drosophila, cell culture of various tissues, goblet epithelium of murrelets, etc;
- determination of pyrogenicity of injection solutions;
- studying the quality and biological effect of phytochemicals in modelled experiments;
- preparation and conduct of preclinical and clinical trials;
- control of compliance with the rules of humane treatment of animals.
The laboratory has developed (improved) and implemented physical and physicochemical methods for quality control of phytochemicals and chemicals for veterinary medicine; clinical, physiological, biochemical, pharmacological, toxicological and therapeutic methods for determining their activity using infusoria, bees, drosophila, guppy fish, laboratory and farm animals.
The Laboratory is a branch of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S. Z. Hzhytskyi, cooperates with the Faculty of Biology of the Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University and other scientific institutions of Ukraine.