Meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute on the results of work in 2024

On 23 December 2024, the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives held a meeting of the Academic Council to summarise the results of the Institute’s scientific and organisational activities in 2024.

The meeting heard the annual reports of the Institute’s laboratory heads, who presented the results of their research, achievements in the implementation of scientific projects, publication activity and plans for the future.

The Director of the Institute, Professor Volodymyr Stybel, presented a final report on the overall activities of the Institute, including the main achievements, challenges and strategic directions of the Institute’s development for 2025.

Iryna Mazur, Deputy Director for Research, presented a report on the work undertaken to organise the funding of the Institute in 2025. In her speech, she stressed the importance of approving the Statutes and other regulatory documents governing the Institute’s activities and ensuring its financial stability. Iryna Mazur also outlined the main challenges in this area and, together with Olena Kaminska, Quality Specialist, provided information on the development of the Institute’s Strategic Plan.

The members of the Academic Council noted the high level of work carried out and made proposals to improve the work in certain areas, to extend international cooperation and to improve the material and technical base of the Institute.

The discussion also identified the Institute’s key priorities for the coming year, including the translation of research into practice, competitive salaries for staff and the development of interdisciplinary initiatives.

The Academic Council expressed its gratitude to all the staff of the Institute for their hard work and contribution to the development of science.

Quality guaranteed: 171 new veterinary products on the Ukrainian market


The State Pharmacological Commission of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine is actively promoting the development of the domestic veterinary medicines market. As a result of 5 meetings held in 2024, 171 veterinary medicines were registered and re-registered. This demonstrates the effective work of the Commission and contributes to the provision of high quality domestic products for livestock. Two more meetings are planned by the end of the year, which will further expand the list of registered medicines.

Experts from the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives conducted a qualified examination of the registration dossiers, including checking the compliance of the medicines with the requirements of the current legislation, analysing the results of pre-clinical and clinical trials and assessing the quality of production. Based on the results of the comprehensive review, reasonable conclusions were drawn, which formed the basis for the decisions of the State Pharmacological Commission of Veterinary Medicine.

It should be noted that the registered medicinal products include both new developments by domestic and foreign manufacturers and medicinal products that have been re-registered due to the expiry of the previous registration certificate. This comprehensive approach ensures constant updating and expansion of the range of veterinary medicines on the Ukrainian market, which is important for effective treatment of animals and prevention of diseases.