Head of the Laboratory,
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
Tel. +380 (032) 231-80-92
E-mail: galusik.77@gmail.com
The laboratory is a part of the Trial Centre of the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives, accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine for compliance with the requirements:
- DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17025:2019 in the field of organoleptic, physicochemical, microscopic, myco-toxicological, immunoassay tests of crop, livestock, food products, feed, premixes, feed additives, determination of GMOs by PCR (Accreditation Certificate No. 20461 dated 20.01.2024);
- DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17043:2017, as a Professional Level Verification Provider for laboratories testing premixes for amino acid content (Accreditation Certificate No. 50007 dated 24 November 2021).
As a part of the Trial Centre, the laboratory is authorised by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection to carry out laboratory tests as a reference laboratory for the purposes of state control over the types of tests: organoleptic, physicochemical, chromatographic, microbiological, enzyme-linked immunosorbent, toxicological tests of feed, premixes, feed additives (Order No. 13 of 06.01.2022).
The laboratory has implemented management systems in accordance with DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17025:2019 and DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17043:2017. The laboratory staff is guided by the policies of the EC regarding the impartiality and objectivity of testing activities, maintaining the confidentiality of information obtained or created during testing, ensuring the reliability of test results through continuous in-laboratory quality monitoring and participation in domestic and international rounds of inter-laboratory testing.
Functions of the laboratory:
- Implementation, modification, validation, verification of methods for controlling the safety and quality of feed additives, premixes and feed;
- Implementation of methods for controlling the content of GMOs in feed and feed additives and assessment of their safety and impact on the animal body;
- Implementation of modern methods of controlling mycotoxins in feed and feed raw materials, development and testing of means to neutralise the effects of mycotoxins on animals;
- Comprehensive assessment of the quality and safety of feed additives and premixes in accordance with modern international requirements;
- Conducting safety and quality tests of crop, livestock, food products, feed, premixes, feed additives in accordance with the scope of accreditation of the Trial Centre;
- Organising and conducting work to verify the professional level of laboratories as a Provider in accordance with the scope of accreditation of the Trial Centre.