Membership of the Academic Council of the State Scientific-Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives

  1. STYBEL Volodymyr, Director of the Institute, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences – Chairman of the Academic Council;
  2. MAZUR Iryna, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences – Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council;
  3. BREZVYN Oksana, Scientific Secretary of the Institute, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences – Secretary of the Academic Council;
  4. VELYCHKO Volodymyr, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;
  5. RYDCHUK Mariana, Head of the National Reference Laboratory for the Control of Residual Amounts of Active Ingredients of Veterinary Drugs and Feed Additives, Candidate of Chemical Sciences;
  6. KOTSIUMBAS Ihor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Immunomorphology, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;
  7. KOSENKO Yurii, Deputy Director of the Institute for Foreign Economic Relations and International Scientific Integration, Doctor of Biological Sciences;
  8. OSTAPIV Roman, Head of the High Performance Liquid Chromatography Laboratory, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
  9. KUSHNIR Ihor, Head of the Laboratory of Bacteriological Quality Control and Safety of Veterinary Preparations, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Researcher.
  10. LEVYTSYK Taras, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Support of Standardisation, Certification and State Control in Veterinary Medicine, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
  11. MUZIKA Viktor, Head of the Department for Control of Veterinary Drugs and Biocides, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;
  12. PATEREGA Ihor, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences;
  13. PYATNYCHKO Oksana, Head of the Biochemistry Sector, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences;
  14. RYVAK Halyna, Head of the Laboratory for the Control of Feed Additives and Premixes, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
  15. SOBODOSH Olesiy, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences;
  16. STETSKO Taras, Head of the Laboratory for the Control of Chemotherapeutic Drugs, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences;
  17. VERKHOLYUK Mykola – Head of the Agency of Veterinary Medicines and Feed Additives, PhD in Veterinary;
  18. TISHYN Oleksandr, Head of the Antiparasitic Drugs Control Sector, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;
  19. CHAIKOVSKA Oleksandra, Head of the Scientific Information and Standardisation Sector, Editor-in-Chief, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.
  20. YANOVYCH Dmytro, Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Support of the Testing Quality System, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.


For questions about activity of the Academic Council, please contact Oksana Brezvin: